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Radiant Rubies: 6 Amazing Stories About July's Birthstone

July 19th, 2017

Ruby July Birthstone
Ruby is July's birthstone. This gorgeous red gemstone is a favorite of the BARONS team: rubies are beautiful, durable, and never go out of style. They also have a rich and amazing history. This month we're sharing six amazing stories about rubies. You'll never look at a ruby the same way again!

Ruby Story #1: Known from the Dawn of Time as the King of Gems

When we say rubies have a long history, we mean it. There's an ancient language known as Sanskrit that was spoken 2,000 years BC. The Sanskrit word for ruby is "ratnaraj" which means "King of Precious Stones" a lovely name for a lovely gem.

Ruby Story #2: Queens Love Jewelry Too!

Ruby July Birthstone Queen

The British royals have had a love affair with gorgeous ruby jewelry. The current Queen of England still wears ruby jewelry regularly. Here's a picture of Her Majesty rocking a ruby and diamond necklace, tiara, and brooch:

Ruby Story #3: One Large Ruby Could Buy an Entire City

Rubies are, carat for carat, more precious than diamonds. In Marco Polo's adventures, he recounts how Kublai Khan had such a passion for an extremely large, very fine ruby that he offered the owner, the King of Ceylon, an entire city in exchange for the gemstone.

Ruby Story #4: The Ruby Can Be an Aphrodisiac

Ruby July Birthstone Bracelet
A vivid red color is traditionally associated with romantic desire. Rubies can range in color from a very pale red to an intense dark red known as pigeon's blood very rare and extremely valuable. Wearing rubies is said to provoke feelings of increased affection and passion for one's lover. That's why rubies are often given at Valentine's Day as well as for special anniversaries.

Ruby Story #5: Hollywood Loves Ruby Jewelry Too!

Red ruby jewelry shines on the red carpet. We've been seeing rubies on the rise on the red carpet as staple necklaces, stunning earrings, and sparkling rings. With the new move towards color, we've seen celebrities be bold with their choices in jewelry for big events and appearances.

Ruby Story #6: Wearing Ruby Jewelry Boosts Energy, Positive Attitude, and Focus

Ruby July Birthstone

Are you an accomplished woman who likes to get things done? Then you need to be wearing ruby jewelry! Donning the gorgeous red gemstone is said to give the wearer a positive attitude and increased focus -talk about a professional edge!

There's a really nice selection of ruby jewelry in the BARONS showcases right now, including some stunning estate pieces, looks from your favorite designers, and one of a kind creations from our own design team. Come down and check them out! It's always fun to look and who knows? You might just find your next favorite piece of jewelry!